Tryst, the new beautiful place to find an escort in the demise of Backpage

The shutdown of Backpage dropped as devastatingly as a nuclear bomb in the escort industry. For those looking for where to find an escort and have that divine sexual experience, Backpage was an assured destination.  By the time the FBI and American authorities clamped down on Backpage with the accompanying horrifying revelations of the horrendous …

How to join the right escort agency

Being an escort is fast becoming a white collar job in the face of the digitization of sex. Escorts make a hell of lot of money despite the fact that they possibly may not have seen the four walls of college – how ridiculous! While you sweat it out through college battling through that bald …

How to appear like a high-end escort

In business, there are very few things more important than packaging. If you get really polished and more professionally presentable, you can sell the same services at a cost ten times more. This critical nature of packaging is even more emphasized in the world of an escort. No doubt, just anyone can sell sex, but …

How to do your escort business legally

In society today, the absence of law is a red carpet invitation for anarchy. Governments in the twenty first century rightly want to maintain a regulatory presence in almost every industry. This is to ensure that standards are kept and a safe operating line is trod. This is why we have seen concerted efforts in …

How to treat your escort for the first time

As a man in our modern society, it is normal to crave acceptance. We can’t thoroughly live in isolation of society. Therefore once in a while we would hunger for convention and how community perceives situations. Thus you may be naturally curious about what female escorts look for in their male clients. It is true, …

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